Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus wrote that change is the only constant. No one steps into the same river twice, he concluded. He might have been talking about the UK automotive industry as it stands, especially in the past three years when so much of what we know and have come to expect has been upended by a disruptive blend of internal and external factors.
Making reasoned estimates about the road ahead then, is challenging. That’s especially the case if you don’t have the data to back up your claims. Fortunately, reliable data is precisely what we, at Cox Automotive, have.
In this section, our UK industry forecasts lay out a future for the new and used car markets to aid the confident business decisions and strategic direction of our partners and stakeholders.
The projections have been formulated by reflecting on market dynamics of the past and how they’ve been shaped by global production trends, localised regulations and government legislation that’s impacted our sector, both directly and indirectly.
Benchmarks and milestones
Examining and understanding historical benchmarks is crucial when considering any return to 'normal' global production levels. First, we must define what we mean by normal.
Vehicle production has only reached the milestone of 95 million vehicles three times in the past two decades: 2016 (94,976,569), 2017 (97,302,534) and 2018 (95,634,593)1.
In the 17 years between 2002 and the pre-pandemic year 2019, average global production stood at 78,633,808. Therefore, when the industry witnessed a decrease, mid-pandemic, to 77,000,621 just a year later, the total wasn't significantly below that two-decade average.
In 2022, drawing parallels to the situation in 2010 when global production began accelerating, we witnessed a 6.1% increase compared to 2021 when the total average reached 85,016,728 vehicles. Our calculations indicate a 3% rise in 2023, meaning the global average will reach 87.5 million vehicles.
2025 and the pandemic bounce back
To make accurate estimates about new and used vehicle volumes up to 2025, we must first establish the total that global production levels will reach. Additionally, we need to consider market-specific factors such as local legislation and government financial support. We've observed a swift recovery following the compound challenge posed by the pandemic and the Ukraine conflict on OEM supply chains. With this in mind, we anticipate that the market will eventually be split between manufacturers who want profitability at the cost of volume and market share and those who will return to a 'push' market at the cost of profit for volume and market share.
A look beyond the pandemic rebound tells us that production will continue to increase, albeit slowly. Our current forecast points to a production figure exceeding 90 million vehicles by the end of 2025. Alongside shifts in production volume, we anticipate significant changes in manufacturing locations, as well as wholesale changes in fuel types that vehicles are designed for and a significant rethink of the target markets for those vehicles.
A fierce battle is underway to determine the dominant manufacturing regions and primary markets for production volume in the coming decade. This era of change is set to continue, so keeping pace with the coming modifications and reacting sharply will serve players in the automotive sector well.


Phillip Northard
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Sed eget eros rhoncus, aliquet diam ac, efficitur dolor. Nullam convallis diam id magna congue condimentum. Cras vestibulum ut quam ut hendrerit. Morbi vulputate rhoncus dui blandit lacinia. Ut ac iaculis mi. Pellentesque ultrices molestie tortor ac fringilla. Vivamus finibus massa quam, sit amet pharetra sem laoreet quis. Ut ornare volutpat ipsum quis hendrerit. Pellentesque a ornare ipsum. Aliquam sed tincidunt urna, nec mattis tellus.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam ultrices nulla metus, vitae euismod massa mollis sit amet. Maecenas mollis, lectus in vulputate egestas, dui ipsum tincidunt purus, et vehicula est eros non nunc. Morbi nec volutpat nisi. Praesent et augue erat. Etiam aliquam lacus non semper vestibulum. Etiam pellentesque molestie leo.
Quisque et purus vehicula, interdum orci non, maximus orci. Mauris a imperdiet arcu, nec sagittis erat. Vestibulum eget ligula et ligula accumsan accumsan ut semper massa. Maecenas varius interdum dui, a interdum lectus commodo a. Donec nec ornare orci. Pellentesque at condimentum nulla. Vestibulum faucibus, nunc sit amet luctus elementum, lorem dui vulputate mauris, eu porttitor mi est ac urna. Praesent iaculis fermentum ex vel ultricies. In ut sem in neque imperdiet rhoncus. Integer aliquam erat eget sollicitudin fermentum. Maecenas at nulla facilisis, congue erat vel, euismod nunc. Nunc tempus ac elit vel efficitur. Suspendisse non pellentesque ante. Nam pretium et mi sodales mollis. Sed dignissim urna eu quam auctor fermentum.
Quisque quis suscipit neque. Pellentesque suscipit leo eu tellus efficitur, id rhoncus sapien iaculis. Maecenas porta augue ac scelerisque luctus. Proin in aliquet diam. Morbi ultrices ante eget nunc finibus, sit amet molestie mi eleifend. Integer lorem lorem, elementum id turpis vel, lobortis eleifend ex. Proin suscipit, leo nec rhoncus dapibus, purus lacus faucibus risus, a suscipit purus lorem sit amet metus.
Vestibulum vulputate magna lacus, sed aliquet nulla porta ut. Morbi vel metus felis. Maecenas vehicula augue id mauris dignissim, sed suscipit dui commodo. Mauris euismod ipsum vitae facilisis pharetra. Phasellus sodales finibus nisi, in facilisis eros hendrerit eget. Duis at urna feugiat, blandit lorem ac, ornare nulla. Aliquam dictum nisl sit amet auctor dapibus.
Donec condimentum suscipit dapibus. Sed cursus suscipit odio, sed bibendum arcu ullamcorper at. Integer vulputate sollicitudin ex, non euismod diam sodales ut. Cras magna nibh, vestibulum nec eleifend sed, accumsan et metus. Quisque magna neque, vulputate ac ante quis, hendrerit vulputate lectus. Quisque eleifend lacus at.