


In-life EV battery management: challenges and strategies

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David Gray


6 min read

As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to proliferate, the management of EV batteries throughout their operational life becomes increasingly critical. This is vital to extending their first-life and protecting their value.

Life cycle management encompasses monitoring battery health, ensuring efficient maintenance and repairs, promoting recycling and repurposing, addressing insurance and liability concerns, and implementing life cycle tracking. These aspects collectively contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of the EV ecosystem.

Battery health monitoring

One of the primary considerations in EV battery management is maintaining the health and performance of the battery over its lifespan. Regular health monitoring is essential for optimising both the performance and the longevity of EV batteries. Advanced diagnostic tools and software can track various parameters such as charge cycles, temperature, and degradation rates. By continuously assessing these factors, potential issues can be identified early, and appropriate measures can be taken to prevent significant performance drops or failures. It’s also crucial for building consumer confidence and determining residual values.

Maintenance and repairs

The emergence of a specialised industry focused on EV battery maintenance and repairs is pivotal. Unlike conventional combustion vehicles, EVs require a different approach to diagnostics and repair services. Technicians need to be trained specifically for handling high-voltage systems and understanding the complexities of battery chemistry and management systems. Regular maintenance, including software updates and physical inspections, can help in detecting and addressing issues such as cell imbalances, cooling system failures, or mechanical damage. Developing a robust network of service providers who can offer these specialised services is crucial for supporting the growing EV market.

Recycling and repurposing

Sustainability is a core concern in the life cycle of EV batteries. Given the finite nature of raw materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel used in battery production, recycling and repurposing play vital roles. With 94% of the battery being recyclable, efficient recycling processes can recover valuable materials, reducing the dependency on new mining activities and minimising environmental impact. Moreover, repurposing EV batteries for secondary applications, such as energy storage systems for homes or businesses, extends their useful life. By integrating recycling and repurposing into the battery life cycle, the industry can move towards a more circular economy, reducing waste and conserving resources.

Insurance and liability

As EV adoption rises, the insurance industry must adapt to the unique risks associated with EV batteries. Traditional insurance and salvage models may not fully address the specificities of EV battery failures, degradation, or the potential for thermal runaway incidents. Insurers need to develop policies that cover these aspects, considering factors such as battery health, age, and usage patterns. Additionally, liability issues related to battery performance and safety must be clearly defined. This involves setting standards and regulations to ensure that manufacturers, service providers, and owners are aware of their responsibilities and the risks involved.

Life cycle tracking

Implementing a comprehensive system for tracking the life cycle of EV batteries is essential for transparency and accountability. Battery passports are digital records that capture the history of each battery from production to end-of-life. These passports can include data on manufacturing details, ownership history, usage patterns, maintenance records, and recycling outcomes. Such detailed tracking helps in assessing the remaining useful life of batteries, facilitating resale or repurposing decisions, and ensuring proper recycling processes. Additionally, life cycle tracking can support regulatory compliance and help build consumer trust by providing assurance about the battery's condition, history and environmental impact.

Logistics and storage

The energy contained in an EV battery is immense and often underestimated. The highly reactive materials within can cause severe damage if released accidentally, potentially leading to catastrophic chain reactions if a single cell is compromised. Incidents of EV fires, which burn intensely and are notoriously difficult to extinguish, highlight the dangers. Keeping people safe is therefore of paramount importance. Handling these batteries is specialist work for trained technicians working in appropriately configured and equipped facilities. Storage and workshop facilities must accommodate stringent legislative and compliance demands, including the provision of advanced temperature control, fire suppression and other safety systems. Partners who address this element effectively will remove a significant issue for OEMs.

Future trends and innovations

Battery innovation: The EV battery landscape is continuously evolving, with innovations aimed at addressing current challenges and improving overall efficiency and sustainability. One promising development is the advent of solid-state batteries.

Solid state promises to rewrite the rules of EV performance and practicality. They willo be smaller, lighter and safer than the current crop of lithium-ion batteries, and will deliver double the Wh/kg density of today’s mainstream batteries. This potentially doubles the driving range of current electric vehicles. However, they are costly to produce and this premium performance will come with a premium price. The starting pistol has been fired for the solid-state battery production and testing but there is a long road to run to the 2027/28 finish line. The immediate blue ribbon lithium iron phosphate (LFP) affordability race is running in parallel, with the Chinese having set their considerable expertise and resources on winning another gold medal.

Smart technologies: Another emerging trend is the integration of smart technologies into battery management systems. Advanced algorithms and machine learning can enhance predictive maintenance by analysing vast amounts of data to predict potential failures before they occur. This proactive approach can significantly reduce downtime and maintenance costs, ensuring that EVs remain reliable and efficient throughout their lifespan.

Collaborations: Moreover, collaborations between storage and logistics organisations, automakers, battery manufacturers, and recycling companies are becoming more prevalent. These partnerships aim to create closed-loop systems where batteries are efficiently recycled and materials are reused in new batteries. Such collaborations are essential for achieving a truly sustainable EV ecosystem.


In-life EV battery management encompasses a range of critical aspects that are essential for the sustainability, efficiency and adoption of electric vehicles. From storage and logistics, health monitoring and maintenance to recycling, insurance, and life cycle tracking, each component plays a crucial role in maximising the utility and minimising the environmental impact of EV batteries. As the industry continues to innovate and evolve, embracing these strategies will be key to supporting the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and ensuring a greener more sustainable future.

By focusing on these comprehensive management practices, the EV sector can address the challenges associated with battery life and sustainability, extending their life and protecting the return on investment of these most valuable assets.

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