En août, après de nombreux retards causés par la COVID, nous avons enfin eu la chance de faire nos adieux à Chris Cush, ancien directeur des encans et du transport chez Manheim UK.
Le Cushy Show!
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Le Cushy Show!
En août, après de nombreux retards causés par la COVID, nous avons enfin eu la chance de faire nos adieux à Chris Cush, ancien directeur des encans et du transport chez Manheim UK.
Chris vient de prendre sa retraite, après presque 20 ans dans l’entreprise. Pour l’occasion nous avons organisé « The Cushy Show » à Manheim Colchester, au cours duquel furent passés en revue, avec une pointe d’humour, certains pans de sa vie et de sa carrière, ainsi que son amour pour l’équipe de soccer Tottenham Hotspur! Les membres de l’équipe et la famille de Chris étaient présents à l’activité, qui a aussi été diffusée en direct sur internet dans toute l’Europe.

Manheim vend ses premiers véhicules lors d’un encan pour
Pour la toute première fois, des véhicules Manheim ont été présentés et vendus sur notre plate-forme d’encan pour commerçants.
Cette vente aux enchères pour commerçants a été lancée le jeudi 5 août avec le soutien de deux commerçants de Manheim Bristol. Grâce au vaste choix de véhicules, d’une superbe Mercedes CLK 2004 à une plus modeste Ford Focus 2014, les acheteurs aux encans ont pu trouver et acheter une grande variété de produits.
D’autres joueurs, comme « Mon Motors » et « Heritage Automotive » se joindront bientôt à la plate-forme et nous avons bien hâte de mettre notre approche multicanal à la disposition d’autres vendeurs lors des encans de l’automne!

Économisons le papier et plantons plutôt des arbres
Les membres de l’équipe de Modix Europe et de Manheim Express se sont récemment vu offrir la possibilité de passer de la fiche de paie sur papier à la fiche de paie numérique.
En contrepartie, la société s’engage à planter un arbre pour chaque personne qui demande la fiche de paie électronique. Ainsi, 100 arbres seront plantés par iplantatree.org!
Il s’agit d’un résultat fantastique et nous remercions chaleureusement les membres de l’équipe Modix et Manheim Express pour leur engagement à toujours agir honorablement!

This month, Sarnjit Kaur, HR Director for Europe invited team members across Cox Automotive to join her in making a series of commitments to help create a better work/life balance for you all of us.
These commitments, or pledges included:
Sarnjit also reminded us about the Self-kindness daily checklist which is full of tips and reminders about ways to be kind to ourselves.

To avoid ‘Teams call fatigue’ why not pick up the phone instead and go for a walk and talk meeting after midday on Fridays? Not only does this help with reducing screen time but it also enables you to get those steps in and get some fresh air.
“On Friday afternoons, I commit to having some meetings via the phone rather than on Teams.”
We need to be conscious that for some team members, calls either very early or very late in the day are impractical. I know it’s difficult to arrange meetings which are convenient for everyone, especially when you’re dealing with different time zones, but please avoid calls before 08:30 and after 17:00 if you can.
“I will be respectful and appreciate that it might be more difficult for some team members to join calls before 08.30 or after 17:00”
“I promise to avoid booking meetings over lunch time (e.g. between 12:00 - 13:00)."
Give our team members the chance to step away from the laptop, have a sandwich and a break from work by deliberately avoiding meetings over lunch time.
A personal connection to Make-A-Wish
Sharlee Bradey from the PVC Remarketing team in Australia has been kind enough to share her personal story and connection to Make-A-Wish with our Team Members.
At 19 months old, Sharlee’s daughter Hannah had an unresolved ear infection that ended in a trip to the Royal Children’s Hospital where Hannah underwent her first blood test and her parents received the devastating diagnosis of Leukemia.
Sharlee spent a month at the hospital with Hannah to receive the start of her treatment after which she went into remission which was wonderful news, however she will still be receiving 2-3 years of treatment until October 2022.
Add to this the complication of Covid and 90% of the time Hannah has only been allowed to have one parent in the hospital at a time, and she’s needed a Covid swab with every temperature peak – she’s now an expert having recently breezed through her 23rd swab!
Make-A-Wish don’t generally grant wishes for children under three years of age but when they heard about Hannah she was gifted a hamper of age appropriate treats to brighten her day which was appreciated by Hannah and her whole family.

A personal connection to Make-A-Wish
Sharlee Bradey from the PVC Remarketing team in Australia has been kind enough to share her personal story and connection to Make-A-Wish with our Team Members.
At 19 months old, Sharlee’s daughter Hannah had an unresolved ear infection that ended in a trip to the Royal Children’s Hospital where Hannah underwent her first blood test and her parents received the devastating diagnosis of Leukemia.
Sharlee spent a month at the hospital with Hannah to receive the start of her treatment after which she went into remission which was wonderful news, however she will still be receiving 2-3 years of treatment until October 2022.
Add to this the complication of Covid and 90% of the time Hannah has only been allowed to have one parent in the hospital at a time, and she’s needed a Covid swab with every temperature peak – she’s now an expert having recently breezed through her 23rd swab!
Make-A-Wish don’t generally grant wishes for children under three years of age but when they heard about Hannah she was gifted a hamper of age appropriate treats to brighten her day which was appreciated by Hannah and her whole family.

100 for 100 – team members have been busy raising money
In partnership with our ‘Manheim at 100’ celebrations, we’ve been encouraging team members to take part in our ‘100 for 100’ fundraiser, in support of Make-a-Wish Foundation.
Running until Saturday 7th August, we’re inviting all our team members to set themselves a challenge relating to the number 100 with the aim of raising £100 or €100, either as an individual, in a team or with their households.
The best thing about 100 for 100 is that participants can set a challenge that suits them – and some of our team members have got really creative with it!

Pictured are some of our Next Gear Capital team who arranged a ‘100 Drinks Relay.’ Members of the team are taking turns to take a selfie with a drink of their choice and then nominate the next team member. No drink can be repeated and so far they have amassed over 70 selfies so the challenge is getting harder and harder all the time.
Each team member then donates a minimum of £1 to the Make-a-Wish Foundation and so far, they have raised over £200!

Team members at Movex baked and sold 100 cakes to raise money.

Emma Mason, Ann Fairbanks and Tierney Lucas did a beach clean up at Frinton-on-sea, aiming to pick up a minimum of 100 pieces of litter. Emma said, “We had a great day, picked up lots of rubbish – lots of odd socks! We raised money for Make-a-Wish, and did something good for the environment. What was lovely was the number of people that came up to us and thanked us! 😊
After a hard day picking litter, the team rewarded themselves with an ice cream – it’d be rude not to, after all.
So far, through these challenges and so many more taking place across the business, we’ve raised £8,072! If you’d like to make a donation (every penny/cent counts) please visit out official JustGiving page.

Kayleigh Osbourne arranged for her horse, Marley to take on his first 100cm jump! Marley, isn’t bred to jump so this was a big achievement for him and Kayleigh.